My first few days in Lahore have been hectic to say the least. I went to the music party for Safwan and Erum's wedding. The groom's side was still in Muzzaffarabad and on their way to Lahore. I got to meet Erum's friends who are from all over the world - fantastic group of individuals. They say that you can tell a lot from the company you keep, so I have discovered such tenderness, loving and devotion from her mates. The singer at the music party was so moving that she brought me to tears during a Faiz Ahmed Faiz poem. It brought about memories of my father and Faiz Ahmed Faiz's visit to our home when I was just a young lad. A tear or two had been shed that evening because I never got to share in this beauty which my father lived for - poetry. I've only got to experience this love after his passing. I can't tell you how sad that makes me not to have shared a common interest with my father as beautiful as this.
I am Khayyam and I do not eat green eggs n' ham. Khayyam I am ;)
About me?! I live by the way, that's it! Or perhaps a new way to finding a different way to arrive at the way. But then that would be many ways and if it's your way that's the way it was always supposed to be, furthermore, there are many ways in which to arrive at the way and your way which also means that there was never really a choice to find your way to this way. This way or that way, it all weighs the same ;)
Ideas Guy | Designer | Consultant | Wordsmith | Comedian | Photo Clicker | Habitual Line-Stepper | Fool .♥. Made in Canada #hashtagmafia