Me and three million others...
The Hajj. It's nothing like I ever imagined. Now that I've experienced it, am actually wondering whether or not I should share my personal experience. My intention is to properly explain what it is that each of the 3 million pilgrims that migrated to Saudi Arabia do to perfom The Hajj. Just not in this post, it's going to have to wait until I get back to Canada when I sort everything out and have a moment to actually form proper sentences ;)
I am able to share with you the images captured of moments in time that can give an idea of the magnitude of this event. I did capture some video ( as well of how congested and overwhelming some of these situations are.
Please be patient, be very patient, be very very patient.
This was the one of many lessons learned...
I am able to share with you the images captured of moments in time that can give an idea of the magnitude of this event. I did capture some video ( as well of how congested and overwhelming some of these situations are.
Please be patient, be very patient, be very very patient.
This was the one of many lessons learned...
Alhamdulillah... you are now a Hajji Kahyyam :)