Friday, August 12, 2005

You are... I am...

A must click...
you are beautiful

Just a reminder...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A day in the life...

Today frustrations have overcome me. They have seeped into my existence and have now allowed me to introduce the expletives back into my vocabulary. The simplest frustration leads into a barrage of unmentionables - for what?! Stress... it kills. It truly does. My existence is never a balance of all these things, it just permeates from me trying to bury them in the back yard and the stench overcomes me. I try having the concept of water off a duck's back, but if you hold the duck under water long enough some of the feathers will eventually take on water.

Splish splash I was taking a bath...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


This is my attempt at recording some of the mundane details and some of the not-so-mundane aspects in my daily existence.

Today... is the creation of something of which I do not know the outcome, but at least I created it.

Only thing left to say...

'Lookin at my Nixon it's about that time...'

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